Monday, March 7, 2011


3/7/11 – Hey, hey!  Just another manic Monday  - “wish it was Sunday….”
I have recently come to terms with the fact that I have started to create my own words.  I think that is an acceptable practice.  One word that I use over and over is “blogable”.  Any time anyone says anything that is remotely interesting I simply say “blogable”.  Blogable  - meaning a subject or topic that I deem interesting enough to possibly include in the blog.  My mother refuses to speak to me simply because of that word.  I have also had co-workers and friends stipulate that their conversations with me are not blogable.  Come on people!  I share a lot about me.  I open myself up to constant critique and you want to limit my topics of conversation?  Understandable, but know that you are stifling my creativity.  I only have so many interesting things to talk about considering I stay at home and work on a laptop all day.
I had a great day today.  Today was the first day of my “up” week and the first day that I woke up not nauseous.  That is ALWAYS the sign of a good day for me.  I’m looking forward to a week of fun and feeling good.
I was recently thinking about all the things that I share through my blog.  I am typically a somewhat private person.  Those of you who don’t know me may be thinking “What?! Sure doesn’t seem that way to me.”  I know that’s what is so weird.  When I was at my counselor last she asked me what I shared through my blog and I told her that I basically tell everything.  I talk about my day, randomness that I come up with or observe, and how my chemo is going.  I hadn’t really thought about it until that moment that you guys know a lot about me and how I feel on a day to day basis, something I wouldn’t just come out and say if I met you on the street.  Why is it that it doesn’t bother me?  Why is it that typing my feelings doesn’t seem as intrusive as talking about them?  I think it’s because it is all on my terms.  I’ve said before that I use this blog as a type of self therapy.  There is something about writing about how I feel that just gets it out.  I’m really encouraged and overwhelmed that all of you continue to read day in day out.  Maybe I do have something interesting to say and share?  So, all of you probably know more about me than some of my regular acquaintances (notice I didn’t say close friends).  I don’t find that odd at all.  All of you have hung in with me through thick and thin.  I can’t say that I’m not going to have rough spots or have a boring blog or two but I’m glad that all of you know so much about me – sometimes we just need others to “get it” and that’s not always easy. 
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.  Self reflection is a good thing.  I have a cute bag that one of my friends/co-workers made for me that says “Diva” and is sparkly – I love sparkly!  I made it into my pill bag because I have so many different medications that I need to carry around just in case I need them.  I opened my bag the other day (which is full) and started thinking about all the pills I have and what all I could cure on a seconds notice.
1.       Nausea (3 to choose from!)
2.       Anxiety (3 in 1 – nausea, anxiety, sleep deprivation pill – score!)
3.       Sleep deprivation (same as #2)
4.       Pregnancy (Um… that is to say birth control, not anything shady)
5.       Heart burn (you’re welcome Todd)
6.       Constipation (hello…. Colon cancer, and the blog is called “Shea’s So Full of It” remember?)
7.       High blood pressure (nothing new here)
8.       Pain (Percocet anyone?)
9.       Headache
10.   Cold sore
11.   Herpes (like I said “people with herpes need love too”)
I believe that is all, but in a pinch I think I could save a life or two. 
As a close out to my blog today I have composed a short dialog with my song titles of the day.  I love to listen to Pandora and have my station set on Hootie and the Blowfish radio.  These are just a few of the songs that came up.
Hootie: “Where Are You Going?”
Blowfish: “Walking in Memphis”
Hootie: “Alright” Can I “Change Your Mind”?
Blowfish: No, it’s “Mary Jane’s Last Dance”.
Hootie: Oh, “She Will be Loved”.
Blowfish: I’ll be there until “Closing Time”.  It’s at “6th Ave. Heartache”
Hootie: Ok, “It’s Not My Time” to go to “Walking in Memphis”.  “I Go Blind” from all the smoke in the bar area.  I prefer “Californication”.
Blowfish: “Get Out of My Mind”!  I was thinking the same thing.
Hootie: Don’t make yourself “Unwell”.
Blowfish: I won’t
Hootie: Tell Mary Jane I said “Hey Sister Pretty”!
Blowfish: I will.  Later.
I’m about to run/walk to prepare for my race on the 26th.  I have 2 full “up” weeks to get in shape.  If I could have anything to eat I would like some kind of pasta with wilted spinach in it – like an alfredo.  I blame Yen because she was talking about something similar the other day.  My song of the day is “Alright” by Darius Rucker because I am doin’ alright!  Holla!
Night y’all!


  1. I'll bring some spinach Alfredo over next time I make it!

  2. You know, sometimes it's so nice to hear that someone had a great day, seriously, it gives you some positive energy back too. Thank you very much for such a nice post here, that was such a great pleasure to read it!
