Thursday, February 3, 2011

Workin' it out

2/3/11 – Hello all!  I have had another good day, but I’m starting to feel a little tired.  I think the full week is starting to catch up to me.  I’m just going to keep on truckin’.  I’ve got this!
If you can believe it I did not have anything embarrassing happen today - thanks in part to me not driving and Todd throwing away the pop paper.  One random question that has started to form over the past two days is that I wonder if Percy is really 100% dog.  I think there may be some kind of bird down his line of kin.  Reasons for this questioning are as follows:
-          He is crazy little.  Like he could probably fly if he had wings and sometimes when he runs it looks like he is hovering slightly above ground level.
-          He likes to find random things to build something.  I can only assume that he is building a nest.  He grabs paper towels, socks, plastic bags and RUNS to wherever his secret nest may be.  I’m sure one day I will find all of these items but for now I just see a tiny dog flying through the house at unheard of speeds for his size to some undisclosed location. 
-          Stella stalks him as if he were a bird from outside that accidentally flew in the house.  If Percy walks around the couch a few seconds later I will see Stella crouched as low as she can get moving oh-so-slowly, slowly, focus.  You can tell in her eyes she is calculating her attack.  It is at that particular moment that Percy usually turns and runs directly at her.  Foiled again!
If he’s not related to a bird in some way then my second guess is a Tasmanian devil!
I’ve been trying to exercise a little each day.  The first day I did a crunch I wondered if I might do more harm than good but I survived.  I haven’t been able to walk as much as I had before starting chemo.  I did walk one day last week and I was huffing and puffing once I got home.  I have a 5K to run in September!  I’ve gotta get in shape!  Tonight I finally made it back to ladies workout.  I hadn’t been to workout since before the surgery.  It was nice to get together with all the ladies, talk, and do some exercises too.  I can actually feel the burn! 

One of my coworkers who knew I like to garden bought me some paper white bulbs and a cute container to put them in.  I planted them and they’ve been hanging out on my kitchen table.  I’ve taken pictures of them along the way.  They have finally bloomed and they are beautiful.  They are very fragrant but it is a smell that my bionic nose actually likes.  Here are some pics of their progress.
In the beginning...

Starting to grow....

That was pretty much my day – work and workout.  Tomorrow I am going to get my hair done (aka – therapy).  Let’s all cross our fingers that my hair doesn’t turn out some horrid color from the chemo.  I am actually planning to put blue in my hair.  I thought a little blue would be fun and it will be up under so hopefully it won’t be too ostentatious. 
I finally got some pizza last night.  It was delicious.  I’m feeling a Chick-fil-A cookies and crème shake – Mmmm…  My song of the day would be Oliva Newton John’s “Let’s Get Physical”.  Does anyone else watch The Office and remember when Michael Scott and Holly did “Let’s Get Ethical” for their ethics talk at work? One word – hilarious!  Completely wrong, but hilarious.  I found the clip on youtube!
Tomorrow’s Friday!  Yay!  Night y’all.

1 comment:

  1. What about Sue Sylvester on Glee singing "Let's Get Physical"? That was pretty awesome as well!
