Sunday, February 6, 2011

D is for Determination

2/6/11 – I-am-so-sleepy….  I hope all of you realize just how committed to blogging I truly am.  I am very tired after watching the Super Bowl but I am blogging because I can’t miss 2 days in a row.  That would just be wrong.
I will have to catch all of you up on the prom tomorrow.  We had a great time, but I’ll save that story for later.  Today was good.  I went to sleep late Saturday night so hit the snooze 31 times and pushed it so that I only had 30 minutes to get ready to leave for church this morning.  I think wasted another 12 looking at prom pictures that I had been tagged in on facebook.  Can you believe it?!  I was only 10 minutes late to Sunday school.  Not bad, right?  Church was great.  I love seeing all the middle school girls they always make me feel so special – old but special.  There is something about being called Miss Shea that just weirds me out.  Please just call me Shea – please! 
Tonight Todd and I went to the Flerl’s for a Super Bowl party.  It was cool to hang out with the singles class and friends from church that we wouldn’t normally mix and mingle with since we aren’t in the same class.  I’ve really enjoyed getting to know new people over the past several weeks.  I am relatively certain that I did not watch more than 10% of the game, though I was in a room with the game on the entire time.  I didn’t even really watch the commercials – too much talking and storytelling to be had to bother with TV, though at 11:30 I found myself riding home with a giant cheese block on my head.  Am I a Packers fan?  Nope.  If you remember back a few blogs ago I randomly chose the Jets to be my team of choice.  I stand by that decision.  For the Super Bowl I feel like you should have a team to root for so I chose the Packers solely because of cheese.  I love cheese.  Why not?  I’m glad they won otherwise the cheese head would have just been a poor fashion choice.
I’ve decided that I have eaten entirely too much this week because I don’t feel nauseous.  Apparently I am trying to make up for what I lost last week.  I need to watch Mike & Molly more so maybe I can pick up some Overeaters Anonymous tips.  Seriously y’all I have eaten a lot, lot this week and not the most healthy choices either.  I still would like a cookies and crème milkshake from Chick-fil-A.  I am also happy to report that another person has been influenced by my food choices and purchased her own bag of Krystal’s today!  I say way to go!  I approve all cheeseburger consumption.  Glee started back tonight after the Super Bowl, so my song of the night is a combo tribute to the Packers and Glee (because it’s a Glee song) – “U Can’t Touch This!”
Night y’all!

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