Friday, February 4, 2011

Shea just wants to have fu-un

2/4/11 – Hey everyone!  Today was another good day.  It was harder to get out of bed this morning because I am starting to get tired from working full days, but I made it through the whole week – sweet!  I’m starting to get another mouth sore – great.  I’ve been using my mouthwash that tastes just so yummy (if you haven’t figured out yet, I love sarcasm).  It does work well.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it in my blog but tomorrow night is prom.  Yes, you read that correctly – prom.  How old am I?  It’s funny to think that my high school prom was 10 years ago!  Our church has marriage prom around Valentines.  They started doing it last year and it is a blast.  When I first heard about it I thought it might be lame (sorry, just being honest) but it was a TON of fun!  It was so cool to see couples of all ages hanging out and dancing.  Can you believe it?! Baptists do dance.  The prom is at a high school, there’s a DJ, tons of yummy treats, and we all get professional pictures made.  I totally cannot wait! 
I had a dress prepared but I decided to run by Panache (a local consignment store) to see if I could find anything I couldn’t live without.  The store is really cool.  I picked out 3 dresses that had potential and one of the owners started a fitting room for me.  I kid you not, when I walked into the fitting room I looked up and on the wall there was a decal that said “Diva”!  What?! How did she know!  Once I picked out my perfect dress I asked if all the fitting rooms said diva – nope!  It was destiny.
After doing some light shopping I headed to Salon Sedona to get my hair done.  I am happy to report that my hair did not turn out orange or green.  I had it cut a little shorter so when it starts to thin I won’t freak out too much.  I also had some blue put in just for fun.  The blue was supposed to be indigo.  We were going for peacock blue.  I got some on my finger on accident and it was really dark.  Well, in my hair it didn’t turn out as dark as we wanted.  It is like a light Cyndi Lauper color blue.  All I need is a crimper and I am set!  It is pretty but we are going to try to make it a little darker next week.
Some of you may be wondering if you read the last paragraph correctly.  Did I say I was putting blue in my hair?  Yes – BLUE!  Todd had mentioned it just joking when I was first diagnosed.  The more I thought about it the more I thought it might be kinda cool.  I just did peekaboo highlights that are up under my “natural” color.  I can show them if I want or not.  I don’t want y’all thinking that I’m having some quarter life crisis.  I think it looks tasteful and is just plain fun!
I am happy to report that I was able to eat some frozen yogurt!  Yay!  I can handle cold stuff for a few days before the chemo kicks back in.  Tara came and hung out with me when I was getting my hair done and she picked up Menchies – it’s kind of like Yogurt Mountain or Yogli Mogli.  It was SO good.  Mine had gummy bears on it!  It did make me really cold but at the time I was sitting under the hair drier so I warmed back up quickly.  I heart the hair drier.
After that I headed home to some yummy taco soup.  It was delish!  If I could have anything to eat right now I would like a Krispy Kreme fried pie.  I did not know those even existed until the other day when one of my friends said she got one at Publix.  That just sounds fan-flippin’-tastic!  A Krispy Kreme fried pie!  My song of the night is in tribute to my light blue hair – Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors”!
I’m not sure if I will have time to blog tomorrow night, but I will definitely update you Sunday with all the details of the prom and maybe a picture or two.  Night y’all!

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