Saturday, February 26, 2011

Vitamin D

2/25/11 – “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again.”

Guess where I am?  As I’m typing this I am somewhere between Georgia and Alabama headed to Bambergland.  Since my chemo was cancelled this week I decided we should go ahead and go to Alabama to do some wedding dress shopping with my sister-in-law.  I am SO excited!  I fully intend to try on a wedding dress or two myself.  I’ll make sure to take pictures.

Since I took the night off yesterday let me catch you up on my escapades.  Yesterday I was sitting in the computer room working and had just kind of lost all motivation.  I was at a point where I needed people to get back to me before moving to the next step and just didn’t have any energy.  As I was staring out the window it dawned on me that what I needed was some good vitamin D! Sun!  That would perk me up and make me feel better.   Did I just go sit outside and work? Heck no!  When it is warm enough you never miss a chance to tan.  I totally put on my bathing suit top and a pair of shorts in FEBRUARY and sat outside and read about accounting pronouncements.  Nothing makes determining whether a business is acquiring a business or assets more interesting than soaking up some good sun while you’re reading.  So, I’m sitting in the backyard relaxing and reading.  All of a sudden I hear talking.  Hmmm.  Where are these people talking?  I continue sitting in the backyard enjoying my time.  All of a sudden I see someone walking in my neighbor’s backyard.  Yes, we have a privacy fence but I can obviously see him so if I were to make any noise he would know I was in my backyard and then could possibly see me.  Yes, I was fully clothed and in my own backyard but it still felt very awkward for me.  There are just some people that you don’t want to see you in your bathing suit, especially when you have no tan – my neighbor is one of those people for me.  I went into silent mode.  Didn’t move.  Didn’t breathe.  Maybe he’ll go away.  Nope.  He kept talking to whoever he was with – another guy for sure.  After I waited for a few minutes I decided he wasn’t going away and I couldn’t hold my breath any longer so I needed to make a run for it.  In one fluid motion I scooped up the laptop and my phone and scooted into the house.  Success!  I was undetected!  The vitamin D was nice and perked me up a bit I just wish I had been able to soak up some more.  Maybe next time.

While we are talking about sun and bathing suits, let’s continue down that path.  I recently decided that I needed to purchase a one piece bathing suit now that I have a lovely 4 inch scar down my midsection.  I generally wear 2 pieces and I would like to think that I would be proud of my scar because of all that I’ve gone through.  But, I know there will be times when I won’t want all the stares (the staring in my head if not in real life).  I know it is only February but I want to get a jump on this bathing suit season.  That’s why I’ve started working out.  I seriously wonder if I have any lower abs left after the surgery – it doesn’t feel like it.  Looking for a one piece bathing suit when you are 28 is not fun.  All the one pieces look so old lady.  I don’t want to look old lady-ish.  I want to look fun and cute.  It’s hard enough to feel cute in a bathing suit as it is, I do NOT want to look old too!  Unacceptable.  I searched and searched and searched.  I was beginning to despair.  The monokinis all looked too scandalous.  That is the last thing I need when I’m feeling insecure – scandalous – unacceptable.  Finally I found the perfect bathing suit.  Imagine the whole “waaahhhhh….” sound as I clicked into the link.  It was blue with white polka dots and yellow shoulder straps with a yellow bow.  Very retro.  I could TOTALLY rock that with a yellow headband or something.  Now imagine a window crashing.  I had seen the price.  $178! $178 for a bathing suit!  What’s sad is that I seriously contemplated buying the bathing suit even though I knew the price.  I started looking on other websites trying to find something I liked just as well but always fell short.  I needed this bathing suit.  I wanted this bathing suit.  I am happy to report that today I finally found a bathing suit that fits all my criteria that is NOT $178.  It is black with white polka dots and red accents and is very retro.  Totally me.  I will look just as cute in this one with a fun flower headband in my hair.  I am now prepared for all vitamin D events. 

Oh yeah, I forgot.  I’m supposed to avoid the sun since I’m on chemo.  That is one of those rules I will interpret as a suggestion, kind of like hair dye.  Now don’t start to freak out on me, I did buy some Jergens gradual tan lotion today and fully intend to only get sun that way.  When I actually lay out I’ll hang out under the umbrella and wear something like 50 SPF.  It will hurt my feelings but I’m sure I will have a much cooler summer.   In case you’re wondering what has driven me to all this focus on getting a tan, someone recently told me that I was fair complected!  I know!  That’s like the kiss of death for someone who actually isn’t fair complected.  I’m not bashing people with fair skin tones (love you Todd!)  I’m just saying that if you know you have an olive skin tone and someone says that you are fair complected something inside you cringes.  I knew I had to do something to correct this grievous injustice.  Jergens and vitamin D to the rescue!

After work yesterday I headed to ladies workout.  I’ve enjoyed adding exercise back to my daily routine.  I did the workout yesterday and today I ran/walked another 2 miles.  I’m thinking about bumping it up to 3 on Monday and then just walking during the chemo week assuming I actually get to have chemo this coming week.

That’s really been my last two days.  I’ve been working and trying to have a little fun.  I know Todd is sick of seeing the laptop light as he’s driving down the interstate.  I guess I better wrap all this up.  Since I’m on the road I am on a mission to find a Coke Icee again.  I just can’t get enough of those things.  They’re awesome!  My song of the day is “Pocket Full of Sunshine” by Natasha Beddingfield.  I love to run to this song.,+pocket+full+of+sunshine&FORM=VIRE6

Night y’all!

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