Saturday, May 7, 2011

Two Toothpicks

5/7/11 – Saturdays are probably my favorite days.
Todd and I started our day out with a little league game.  We went and watched Jacob (he lives in our neighborhood) play.  All the little dudes were cute and hilarious.  It was a beautiful day for a game.
After the game Todd and I got down to business – shopping.  I had to go to the Loft to get the dress that I had fallen in love with online.  I had to.  I found it without a problem and fortunately it lived up to expectation.  I then continued on with my mission to find a headband for Ashley’s wedding.  I went to Charming Charlie but struck out.  I then hit H&M and struck gold.  I found a fabric headband that is stain-looking, would match my dress perfectly and not stand out too much, and would be comfy because it doesn’t have any plastic in it at all.  Score!
Shopping had taken a lot out of me.  I was starting to fade fast.  I think Todd could tell because he suggested lunch.  He was in a mood for Chinese so we go chicken teriyaki.  In case you were wondering 2 toothpicks is code for no rice, extra vegetables.  I know.  It changed my life too. 
I wanted to check out Nordstrom Rack to see if there were any dresses that I couldn’t live without.  For some reason they did not have a very good selection for the price.  I could have bought another dress at the Loft for the same price.  I tried on 3 dresses and none of them looked good on me.  After trying on all the dresses I was fading fast again.  Trying on clothes takes a lot out of a girl.  I all but ran to the truck to drink some more Coke to give me an extra push.
The man cave is slowly becoming a reality so Todd and I checked out American Signature and Rooms to Go for furniture options.  I found a few things that I like.  Todd managed to lose his phone at Rooms to Go after we had already left so we had to go back and search the store.  He found his phone in a row of recliners with built in cup holders and electronic reclining.  The salesman said the piece had chosen him, or at least his phone.  Negative Ghost Writer, I get to pick out the furniture!
After locating Todd’s phone we headed to “the happiest place on earth” – contrary to popular belief it is not Disney World.  We went to DSW.  DSW always makes me feel better because shoes always fit.  I’ve been in a shoe rut since starting chemo.  I can only wear flats or wedges because I tend to lose my balance and fall very easily.  Wedges!  I need more wedges.  Todd needed wedding shoes – Chuck Taylors – for Ashley’s wedding so we both bought a pair of shoes.  After scouring the store and trying on countless pairs of shoes I found a cute pair of light pink wedges that fit the bill.  Shoes always make me happy.
Finally mine and Todd’s shopping expedition was over.  We headed home to paint the man cave.  I traded shopping for hard labor.  It was well worth the price.  Forget the fact that the painting that I did was mostly from a sitting position.  It was still hard work.  Cut me a break!  I had chemo this week.
Before I started painting I decided to try on my bridesmaid’s dress that I’ve had for several weeks and have neglected to try on.  When I ordered the dress I was in that in between phase.  I could have gotten a size down but I decided to stick with the larger size since people generally gain weight while going through chemo.  Since I have lost some weight I was expecting the skirt to be very loose because it was loose in the store.  I pulled out the skirt and top to try on and when I went to put the skirt on it wouldn’t fit!  I had to put the skirt on over my head!  My head!  That does something to a girl’s self esteem.  I know I haven’t gained weight since I tried on the skirt in the store.  I may be in denial but I am telling myself that the skirt is mislabeled and is really a size down from what I ordered.  Perfectly rational, right? 
Well, that has been my day.  I am absolutely worn out!  I finally sat down once dinner was ready and I do not intend to get up until I head to bed.  I’m tired.  Tomorrow is my cheat day – yay!  If I could have anything to eat right now I would like some fresh fruit.  My song of the day is another rock song.  I woke up to this and have had it stuck in my head all day, not sure what that says about me.  “Monster” by Skillet.  “I, I feel like a monster!” Hahaha!
Night y’all!

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