Sunday, May 15, 2011

Road Rage - Grrr!

5/15/11 – Since it is Sunday, I have something to confess.  I Shea Bamberg have road rage.  I think I’ve known this about myself for a while but I have finally reached a breaking point.
I don’t understand people who just putter along.  Why even drive?  Why not walk or bike?  Help save the planet and get out of my way – win, win. I think all this animosity is really brought about by school buses.  I fully support school buses.  Carpooling is great and it keeps more cars off the road as I’m trying to make it in to work.  My real problem that stems from school buses is parents who can’t get their child to the bus stop on time.  I wind up getting stuck behind the bus.  The kids that are on time get on and I think “Not too bad.  Let’s get going.” And then a door opens.  That, my friends, is the problem.  The door opens and a lady and her daughter saunter over to the bus stop (the key word is “saunter”).  They take their time.  No, don’t worry, there’s not any one stuck behind the bus who needs to get to work on time.  Not important that you stay at home all day and the only real responsibility you have is to get your child onto the school bus on time.  Not important.  So the kid finally gets on the bus and of course the lady needs to share something special with the driver.  As the bus finally drives off she waves sweetly and says “I love you” like a sweet mom.
Over it!  So over it.  This is where my road rage stems from.  Kids are sweet.  School buses are good.  I should be thinking sweet thoughts – kittens and lollipops.  Not me.  As I’m waiting on the bus and this inconsiderate lady I’m seriously considering honking and tailgating the bus.  Tailgating them would do no good because it’s not like the driver would even be able to see me.  I consider rolling down my window and yelling at the mom that I’m glad she has all the time in the world because some of us aren’t so lucky – I’m horrible, right? 
However, I realize the mom is not fully to blame.  She’s not really the one that I’m mad with.  She might be having a long morning and she seems really loving toward her daughter.  The one that I really am upset with is the bus driver.  He or she is the one that stayed.  All the kids were on the bus.  He hesitated.  He intentionally held up traffic and waited.  I blame the bus driver.  Unfortunately his vehicle is bigger than mine, but if I were to meet him on a dodge ball court it would be ON!
So, all the school bus drama leads to further rage toward other drivers that get in my way.  In my mind everyone is intentionally slowing me down.  I don’t have time for this.  Where did they learn to drive?  By the time I make it to my destination I am frustrated and tired.  This should explain my constant snarkiness.  It is brought on by negligent drivers.  I exempt myself from all responsibility.
The last few days have been great.  I went to watch Something Borrowed with friends.  It was hilarious.  I highly recommend it.  Since I was watching so much Reba last week I was easily able to pick out “Van” in the movie.  He looked completely different.  I also did some shopping therapy to relieve my road rage (that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it).  I also had a great cheat day.  I managed to eat an entire pizza all on my own (don’t judge me – you would do it too).  I’ve been feeling great and have had a very busy week and weekend.
If I could have anything to eat I would love to have one of our left over cookies from our cheat day.  My song of the day is “Closing Time” by Semi Sonic.  I’ve had this song stuck in my head the past two days – ever since the previews at the movie.
Night y’all!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I HATE road rage!!! I am laughing so hard, because this is EXACTLY how I feel after a good round of road rage.....and consequently why I decided to move 3.5 miles from work. Problem solved! I know others don't have that option, but I sigh with relief everytime I don't have to go through that in the morning...sheesh!

    On another note, I went to see something borrowed with my mom...absolutely AWESOME movie! I agree 100%.

    Shea, I want you to know that I LOVE reading your are truly gifted, smart, funny, and beautiful! Thanks for sharing a little bit of that with all of us.
    --brandi (evans) stimson
