Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Red Velvet Overdose

5/31/11 – Blog, blog, blog, blog.  I am determined to catch up on all the blogging I lost this past weekend.
Friday night we headed to Alabama and Bambergland.  Todd’s sister is getting married on the 25th and I haven’t been able to do too much wedding shopping with her.  We headed over there to do a little shopping and just hang out and talk about the wedding. 
Friday night we actually got there in time to have dinner together.  We had my favorite – pizza.  I had already resolved myself to have a good weekend and not worry about watching what I ate. 
Ashley is the best baker of red velvet cake around.  She makes it from scratch and adds extra vanilla like I love.  I sat at the island and watched as she baked.  I have zero desire to make a red velvet cake.  It probably wouldn’t turn out as awesome as Ashley’s so I just let her do it for me.  (She has no desire to learn how to make my hashbrown casserole and I have no desire to learn how to make her red velvet.  We would just prefer the other to make it for us.)
Let me just say that I am relatively certain that I set a world record for eating red velvet cake.  Shea Bamberg can eat 3/4ths of a red velvet cake in a 72 hour period!  Amazing!  I watched Jerseylicious while I was at Mrs. Janet’s because we don’t have Style network anymore – sad face.  As I was catching up on my show one of the episodes had to do with them trying to set a Guinness world record for hair cutting.  I think I set a Guinness world record for eating red velvet cake.  It was a driving force for me.  I will challenge anyone to a red velvet cake eating contest.
I ate and ate and ate cake.  I actually found my large fork that I think is supposed to be used for roast and brought that along to eat cake.  I pulled out the big guns.  No one was going to out red velvet me.  I am serious about my red velvet cake eating.  I ate cake the night that it was made.  I ate cake before breakfast the next morning – why doesn’t breakfast have appetizers?  I ate cake for lunch.  I ate cake for breakfast the following day and then added it to my lunch.  Once I was finished (yes, I had a little help from others but I was the contributing factor) there was only one slice of cake left.  It wasn’t worth bringing with me when we headed home.  I left it for Jason to finish off.
Cake!  Aaaahhh!  I ate so much cake it made my stomach hurt.  But, it was worth every sugary bite.  Best cake ever.
I mentioned that our main reason for going to Bambergland was wedding shopping.  We headed to Birmingham once Ashley got off work Saturday.  Mrs. Janet is redoing her kitchen so we had to pick out tile, sink, and paint.  Todd must get his indecisiveness from his mom.  We went to the tile isle first and she looked and looked and talked to herself and looked some more.  I started to fear that we would have to camp out in the isle.  Ashley and I took matters into our own hands.  We found some tile we liked and talked Mrs. Janet into it.  Mrs. Janet had to talk to the lady loading the tiles about the amount and ask lots of questions.  Once she confirmed we were getting the right amount the lady started to load the tile.  She picked those boxes up like they were nothing.  I then picked out the grout.  As I went to pick up the box of grout I grabbed it and then the grout and my hands went separate ways.  That stuff is heavy!   How was that lady lifting those tiles so easily?  She must be very strong.  Note to self: Do not underestimate the old lady working in the tile section at the Home Depot by the Galleria.  She could easily kick my butt. 
After picking out tile and grout (and accumulating 3 shopping carts – 3!), we headed over to the paint section.  We had already picked out the paint colors – thank goodness! – we liked so she ordered the paint and we moved on to kitchen sinks.  Kitchen sinks were pretty easy since there were only so many to choose from.  I want a new kitchen sink so I did a little day dreaming.  She got a very pretty composite granite sink.  We headed back to the paint area and picked up our paint.  After a short discussion about the paint color we headed to the checkout.  What?!  She thinks she sees more tile.  Oh, no!  We are already in line with our 3 carts.  We look like a Home Depot conga line and the stuff isn’t easy to move.  So close, yet so far away.  Ashley and I had told her it was laminate tiles but she has to make sure.  Ashley scooted over to the isle and confirmed that it was indeed laminate tile – thank goodness!  We are free!  Out of Home Depot and on to things that don’t involve serious decision making. 
We then went to Hobby Lobby to get floating candles and cake pans.  We walked around Hobby Lobby and talked about the wedding but didn’t need to get too much for the wedding.  After all the shopping we were hungry.  I hadn’t been to Outback in a long time so we went there and got a bloomin’ onion.  It was yummy.  We just hung out and had a good time before heading home.  It was a fun weekend.
If I could have anything to eat I would like some peanut butter and celery.  That is what I’m about to eat right now.  My song of the day is “What I did for Love” by the Glee cast.
Night y’all!

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