Monday, May 30, 2011

Tale of the tortured tiara

5/30/11 – I know it has been a while since I have blogged.  I was busy the last few days of last week and then we went out of town and I didn’t bring my laptop.  There are lots of things to catch up on.
Last week Todd and I started our mad dash to getting the man room finished and the house prepped for carpet.  I can’t believe that we are going to have new carpet in only a few days.  New carpet has been a dream of mine since we moved into the house 6 years ago.  You know how you dream about something for so long that when it actually comes true you can’t believe it?  Well that is where I am.  I am afraid that at the last minute something will go horribly wrong and I will be deprived my new beautiful carpet.  I am so excited.
Todd has been putting the finishing touches on his man room.  It is basically ready for carpet and will then be finished.  The man room is another thing that Todd and I have talked about for years.  When we moved into the house Todd was excited to build a “man cave”.  The house needed other upgrades so the man room was always put on the back burner, but has always been a twinkle in Todd’s eye.  I’m just glad that he’s finally going to be able to get what he wants and have it all set up properly. 
Todd and I have already signed a binding verbal contract that I am allowed to watch Glee in the man room with all the big speakers.  It is going to be epic.  I wanted to make sure I included this crucial piece in my blog so that all of you would know of our contract in case Todd breaches the contract and I have to sue him.  All of you are my witnesses.  I realize you did not actually hear Todd promise me this, but I think we should be close enough by now that you would just take my word for it. 
So, in order to prepare for the new carpet we are cleaning out all our furniture and painting base boards.  Sounds simple enough.  Trust me, it’s torture.  I cleaned out my pajama drawer, my unmentionables (LOL), my shorts and t-shirt drawers, my jewelry, and my night stand.  It is amazing all the junk I accumulate.  Todd has decided that I’m a hoarder but I think that assessment is a little harsh.  There are some things that I’m just not ready to let go of yet.  I keep cards from family, used birthday bags and have an unheard of amount of jewelry and shoes, not to mention my tiara collection.  Cleaning things out was hard.
I don’t really have a tiara collection.  I think 2 is just a tiara option, but not collection.  I decided to trash my New Years tiara but keep the one from when I had my surgery.  I placed all my jewelry and hair accessories in a box to go to the garage while the carpet is going in.  I included my tiara in this box.  Everything else that I didn’t need I trashed.  I then had only 1 tiara. 
You might imagine what happened next…  When I came home from how Friday I walked in the door and then let Buster and Percy out.  I went into the bedroom to access how good the boys were and get comfortable.   What did I find on the floor?  My TIARA!!!  I’m pretty sure I screamed that to myself.  The box with all my stuff was on the floor and Percy and Buster were able to easily reach my tiara.  I blame Percy, he was jealous that I had a crown and he didn’t.  I could feel the tears coming.  I was seriously about to cry because he ate my tiara.
This tiara meant more to me than just a hair accessory.  I got the tiara on the day that I had my surgery.  My friends brought them to the hospital and we all laughed and tired to forget what had just happened and wore our tiaras.  That tiara had been with me from the beginning.  It was special.  It was now trash scattered on my bedroom floor.  Tears seemed appropriate. 
If I could have anything to eat I would love some ice cream.  My song of the day is “The Show Goes On” by Lupe Fiasco.  (Sara, if you’re reading this, this is the song I was telling you about at the game tonight!)
Night y’all!

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