Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cussing lets the pain out

6/22/11 – What is wrong with this situation?  Todd and I were sitting upstairs in the Man Cave and Buster decided that he wanted to sit with us. (Todd has gone back on his promise and is allowing the dogs on the new couch.)  So, Buster crawls up and wedges himself between Todd and I.  The longer we sit there the more room Buster begins to take up.  Buster starts poking me with his leg.  I complain that Buster is taking up too much room and soon I won’t have any area on the couch left.  Todd looks at me and says – he actually says this to me – “Since Buster is a male he has more right to be in the room than you.”  Seriously?  Seriously?  Did I just get dissed for a dog? – granted, he’s a cute dog, but a dog…. How rude!
The estrogen levels in the Man Cave are entirely too low.  It is almost at toxic testosterone levels.  Stella and I will just have to watch Pride and Prejudice (the long version) on the fancy TV to help the room recover some.  I may even do my nails while I watch the movie.
Monday night I could not sleep.  Some of you may have read my 3:00 AM monolog about my frustration.  Well, at 12:00 I couldn’t sleep and I was in a lot of pain.  For some reason or other I was so upset I was in a cussing mood.  Stupid throat, stupid medicine, stupid sleep, stupid bed that I ran into walking through the house in the dark (add a *bleep* in place of each “stupid”).  I walk into the bedroom bleeping about one thing or the other and Todd says “why are you cussing so much”?  I looked him straight in the eye and honestly replied “cussing lets the pain out”.  You know when you’re hurting sometimes no other word adequately describes how you feel and then once you say it, it just feels good.  Well, for me it just felt good.  (I have since stopping cussing, for now…)
Staying awake so late really gives you time to think.  I had an epiphany – I should totally work between the hours of 12:00 and 3:30 in the morning.  I could get a lot accomplished during that time and wouldn’t have to work work as long.  In my time between going to bed and 4:30 I wrote letters to my doctors, ate a piece of pizza, talked to Percy, wrote another blog, and contemplated the universe.  It was a very productive time period.  I wonder how on top of accounting facts I would be that early in the morning.  I was very alert.
The morning after my non-sleep I woke up right on time.  Wide eyed and ready to go.  How is it that I was able to even function on only 2 hours of sleep?  I’m still unsure how that worked.  I popped some Tylenol for the throat pain and headed to work.  I stopped by QT (my new addiction) and picked up an iced caramel latte.  One word – delicious!  I drank my coffee concoction and work, work, worked.  After I finished my sweet treat I got some regular coffee – I’m slowing beginning to understand how I stayed awake – caffeine. 
Once I got home yesterday I ate dinner and then crashed.  I had finally gotten my Rx for the thrush and started medicating.  I consulted with my oncologist if I was able to mix all my meds – she said yes.  Ativan and a night’s sleep here I come/came.  After dinner I promptly took my medications and fell asleep to a wonderful night’s sleep.  I am now well rested and starting to feel much better.  Thankfully this has been an abbreviated version of the thrush I had previously.  I’m a little more tired than I should be and my breaths are a little shorter but I could be much worse.  I’ll take it. 
This weekend is the big wedding weekend.  Todd and I are heading to Alabama tonight to help prepare.  I would like to think that I might have a relaxing weekend but I was diagnosed with cancer not stupidity.  It’s gonna be a busy time.  I’ll make sure to update you all on all the funny things that Mrs. Janet does and all the wedding goings on.  Hopefully my bout with bleeping won’t recur.
If I could have anything to eat I would like Chinese chicken (what Todd made for dinner).  I’m hungry.  My song of the day is “Country Song” by Seether.  I’ve had this song stuck in my head all day today and yesterday. 
Night y’all.  Holla!

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