Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Tale of the Night Light

12/19/10 – As promised this is my first installment of my blog for the day.  I have to make up for what I lost yesterday. 
Yesterday was great!  I finally got to go home.  I hung out at the hospital until about 12:00.  My right hand was thrilled to finally be liberated from that horrible IV.  I was worried about when it would be taken out, but the nurse was great.  It really didn’t hurt at all.  Luckily I got some oral pain meds before I left the hospital because the ride home was rough.  Lots of bumps and turns, but I survived.
Once I got home I did not do too much.  I mostly parked it on the couch and slept.  It is nice to have a huge Christmas tree in the room you’re stuck in.  It makes feeling puny a little more tolerable. 
Yesterday was slightly traumatic for two reasons – I accidentally saw my scar and I took my first real shower since the surgery.  I don’t really know how the first happened, but as soon as it did I wished it hadn’t.  You will be happy to know that I did not pass out, so we have to celebrate the small victories.  The second traumatic experience was obviously planned.  My hair was in need or a washing and I was starting to feel yucky without an actual shower.  Since I am afraid of seeing the incision (just because I accidentally saw some of it does NOT mean that I am ok with looking at it now) the whole shower experience had to be very strategic.  (Now don’t worry, I’m not going to get into any details, just one main funny thing to share).  I could not take a shower with the lights on!  When the lights were on I was too tempted to look down – don’t look down, don’t look down, do not look down.  There wasn’t enough light to shower completely in the dark.  Todd had to put a night light in the bathroom for me to shower – There!  I said it! I showered in the dark with a night light.  And, it was wonderful!  “Hi.  My name is Shea and I shower with a night light.”
My funny story for yesterday is about Todd, or more like  Kroger Pharmacy.  So, I have a prescription for Percocet (yep, I’ve got the good stuff).  Todd went to Kroger to get groceries and fill my prescription.  They got me mac and cheese, Hawaiian rolls, ice cream, juice, rice, potatoes, and yogurt – yum!  As soon as they got to Kroger Todd turned in the prescription.  The pharmacist made him answer a gazillion questions about who the meds were for, why he needed them, where I was, why wasn’t I there…  Once he passed their test they told him it would be an hour before it was ready.  He and his mom did their grocery shopping and killed the hour it took to fill the prescription.  When Todd went back to the pharmacy to get my meds they couldn’t find them.  The techs looked around a bit.  One of them said something to the pharmacist and he basically said he filled the prescription so finding it was their job – I can understand that to some degree, but still a little on the snarky side.  After the techs looked for 10 minutes the pharmacist finally said “Well, what was it?”  (I guess he was just going to redo the order.)  As soon as the techs told him what it was he got very interested in trying to help – LOL!  What? You mean a serious narcotic pain pill can’t just disappear?  (You know me, I do appreciate my inventory accuracy – for those of you who don’t know I’m a staff accountant that does inventory accounting.)  After they searched for another 15 minutes they found the meds.  Just in the nick of time because my meds from the hospital were wearing off.  I am now fully medicated and feeling fine.
So, that was my day yesterday.  Not too much going on – a lot of sleeping.  I did get to have mac and cheese.  I was so hungry it did not stand a chance!  I’ll update again later with my tale of today.  Stay tuned…

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