Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Time is Here

12/22/10 – I thought I would post one more blog today just to keep up my daily updates. 
I pretty much laid around this morning and relaxed.  I have a goal to watch every Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movie available.  I think I am pretty close to accomplishing my goal.  I’ve watched The Good Witch’s Gift, A Christmas Wedding, Moonlight and Mistletoe, Call Me Mrs. Miracle, An Old-Fashioned Christmas, Farewell Mr. Kringle, On Strike for Christmas, Comfort and Joy,  and the list goes on and on and on.  I admit there is never much of a plot and you only have to watch about 2 minutes to figure out exactly what is going to happen, but there is something about this time of year that makes me want to watch cheesy, girly movies.  It just isn’t Christmas without overdone/total cheese movies.  Does anybody agree with me?
So, after watching one of my Lifetime movies I got a call from an RN that works for United Health Care.  I thought it was so cool that my health insurance provides an RN for me to ask questions and go over my insurance with during this time.  I don’t really have any questions yet, but I think that is because I don’t know what questions to ask.  I have to admit that when she first called and said she was from United Health Care I was a little hesitant.  Is this a trick?  Are they baiting me into something so that they won’t have to cover my procedures?  After she explained everything and that this was a service that they provided along with my regular insurance I decided that she was probably ok.  My insurance already knew what was going on with me because they had approved my surgery.  I’m sure me talking to the RN is good for me but also good for them because they can assess that I am taking the proper measures to take care of myself so as to decrease my chances of having further expenses.  Either way, I think it’s a win/win situation.
Speaking of medical stuff, I am going to get my staples removed tomorrow.  Sweet!  I am so taking a Percocet before I go (quick bunny trail update – I am not taking as much Percocet now as I originally needed – Yay!).  I am scared to death that the surgeon will come at me with huge staple removers or that I will have to watch it happen.  Maybe I can wear my sunglasses while it happens?  Wonder if I can get a shot of nova cane in the area before they’re removed? I’m gonna need something.  I know the surgeon said that it wouldn’t hurt but I wonder has he ever had staples removed?  Do you ever wonder if people who tell you things won’t hurt have ever had those things done to them?  I DO! Constantly.  Especially when I got the epidural, and I know I will wonder that tomorrow when the staples are removed.  I still have not looked at my incision.  Maybe I will get the courage to look once I don’t look like a robot.  Everyone please say a little prayer for my sanity around 10:00 tomorrow.  Hopefully after the staples are removed I will be able to shower or change clothes without having to pick a spot up high to focus on.  I’ve learned that I have pretty good balance.  Try changing clothes looking up the whole time.  It’s not that easy.  I think I might be pretty good at yoga. 
Tonight we are going to watch the best Christmas movie ever – Christmas Vacation!  “I dedicate this blog to the Bamberg family Christmas.”  = )  Tomorrow we are having our Christmas dinner/lunch.  Ashley got a 20lb ham from work.  I have no clue where we are going to put a 20lb ham!  That’s an insane amount of pork.  I’m excited because I get some of my favorites – green beans, shoe string casserole, and squash dressing.  Then, the Hardens come and I get all my other favorites.  I am totally on board with not being able to lift or bend too much during the holidays – this is fabulous!  Everyone comes to me, cooks, and cleans up everything too.  Win. Win. Win. Yes!
Right now my sister-in-law is threatening to beat-up Mrs. Janet.  I am hopeful that something interesting will happen in the near future.  Ashley scares me so I will not be jumping into the fight.  “Fourth rule of Fight Club: Only two guys to a fight.” I am totally ok with that.
I don’t really have any foods that I would love to have.  Ashley made me macaroni and cheese soup!  It was awesome – exactly what I wanted.  It tastes a lot like potato soup, but with macaroni instead.  Since I am in a Christmas Vacation mood the song that’s running through my head today is the theme song.   “It’s that time, Christmas time is here, Everybody know there’s not a better time of year, …”  Merry, Merry!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the Staple situation; Did Dr. V use the Swingline brand or did he opt for a more durable staple seeing that swingline can be flimsy at times? Mom
