Monday, December 20, 2010


12/20/10 – Hey y’all!  It’s been another good day.
I slept much better last night.  I made myself a little mountain out of pillows, which really helped.  When Todd came into the room and saw my pillow craziness he started laughing.  I think I wound up sleeping with 5 pillows! Just call me the princess and the pea.
I walked around a lot today.  I was starting to think that I could actually go on a short walk in the neighborhood.  I learned a lot about how to be a Top Model.  I am going to do my hair and makeup weird each day and have a photo shoot and all of you can decide if I can continue in the competition.  I enjoyed watching senseless television, but I’m a little upset with Bravo.  As I’m watching America’s Next Top Model a regular commercial comes on about how colon and rectal cancer is the number 2 cancer killer!  What?! Bravo! You were supposed to build me up and make me critical of peoples’ food, fashion, and lifestyles in general – well isn’t that what Top Chef, Top Model, and The Real Housewives are about?  I decided since they said “people over 50” I could disregard what they were saying.  I still changed the channel during the commercial for good measure.  They were just trying to educate people to get tested.  My doctor did nothing but make me think positive about beating this. 
After noon I got a little stiff, so I took a nap and tried to rest.  Christmas starts tomorrow, so I need all the rest I can get.  I don’t really have a funny story for today, but I am confident that I will get a lot of material over the next few days – the Bambergs and the Hardens are coming.  How can that not be a good laugh?
I have to share a really sweet story.  When I was being put under for the surgery Nichole told me to think of somewhere I would like to travel.  I said “I’m going to St. Thomas, and I’m taking Todd.”  When I came out of anesthesia the first thing I said was “I didn’t dream of St. Thomas…”  Everyone thought that was so funny.  (Looking back on it, I’m surprised I remembered that is what I said before going into surgery.)  Well, one of my friends had a sister who was in St. Thomas at the time.  He got his sister to pick up a St. Thomas t-shirt for me.  How sweet!  I don’t want to toot anyone’s horn, and I know he wouldn’t say it himself, but I just wanted to share.  I guess now, in a way, I have been back to St. Thomas!
I would love a pizza please! Pepperoni, mushrooms, feta, extra garlic! (VJ, can I get some garlic knots too? Please.) YUM!  My song for the day is “Relax don’t do it, When you want to go to it, …”  I promise I will have more interesting stories tomorrow. Good night sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Shea,

    Glad to hear you are having good days. We have been praying for you and your family. Speaking of family, I love hearing the stories about your parents! The way you describe them and what they do in your blog is EXACTLY like I picture things going on! Too funny!

    Wesley had cancer (Non-Hodgkins lymphoma) when he was 13, so he is living proof that prayer and a positive attitude can really make a difference. I like your mom's saying about a cinch by the inch; I am gonna adpot that motto, too!
