Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chemo surprise - good one!

7/11/11 – Monday, Monday.  It’s kinda funny, but Mondays are good days for me.  I feel that I’m supposed to not like Mondays, but eehh…better than a Thursday for sure.
Today has been a good day.  I woke up and realized that I was going to have a chef come cook for me today – yay!  I was given a chef to prepare 5 meals for me and Todd.  I am so excited because I love, love, love good food and I didn’t have to cook it.  I picked out the meals that I would like and all Todd and I have to do is warm them up.  The chef was really a great gift because cooking during chemo weeks is nonexistent.  I generally don’t eat anything resembling regular food when I’m sick and that leaves Todd to fend for himself.  This way he can heat a meal that is already prepared and not have to bother with all the details.  The meals are also going to be uber helpful once I am hungry for real food because I don’t always have the energy to stand and cook.  This is heaven sent. 
Todd and I enjoyed a chef prepared dish last night before all my ickiness sets in.  We had a turkey cutlet in port wine sauce with spring risotto.  Todd opened a bottle of wine and we celebrated good food and the fact that I’m going for my last treatment tomorrow.  The food was delicious.
After dinner Todd suggested that we take our drinks outside and sit under the gazebo.  I mentioned that it was hot outside but I guess we could do it because the atmosphere would be nice.  I went out and turned on two of our lanterns and settled in.  Todd met me outside with his hands behind his back.  Something was up.  He had been telling me that he had a final chemo gift for me, but it was just something small so I shouldn’t get my hopes up.  I don’t care if something is small.  You could buy me a Cosmo magazine and I would be happy.  Well, Todd takes his hands from behind his back and I can see a book.  He places it in front of me and I relies it is a scrapbook and start flipping through the pages.  Todd had written me a letter on the first page and then the rest of the scrapbook was dedicated to my journey.  The water works began before I even opened the book.  I cried the entire time.  There was a letter from Todd telling me how he felt when I was diagnosed and how we have grown as a couple through the process.  There were pictures of me in the hospital, Christmas at mine and Todd’s house, me and my close friend and fellow cancer fighter, the Rumpshaker, chemo time, and then I turned the page and there were pictures of New York and Radio City with the Rockettes and Wicked.  What was going on?  I saw tickets.  There was a name of a hotel that I knew I hadn’t stayed in before.  I was so confused.  I wiped the tears out of my eyes and said “What’s this?”  Todd smiled and told me that we were going to New York on the exact one year anniversary of when I found out that I had a mass in my colon.  We are going to see the Rockettes and then going to see my favorite musical Wicked and I’ll be there in time to see the Christmas tree and the skating rink too.  He had gotten pictures off my phone and from my friends to coordinate the scrapbook and spoken with my manager and booked my vacation days without me ever finding out.  Wow! 
I like to give Todd a hard time about not being too romantic.  There are guys that write sweet mushy things to their wives over facebook, prepare elaborate dinner reservations, set up spa days, bubble baths, and beds scattered with rose petals.  Todd and I aren’t that kind of couple.  A lot of it seems too cheesy for us and simply isn’t our style – I’m not knocking those that like it, it’s just not “us”.  All girls want something romantic to happen.  No, I didn’t want anything mushy but I did want something cool and special and totally unexpected to happen to me one day.  I didn’t have a time period and never really told Todd about my secret girly dream.  How did he know?!  He totally nailed it.  This was not what I was expecting.  This was a total surprise.  It is all the things I love wrapped into one – New York, Christmas trees (!!!), and Broadway musicals. 
I gave Todd the biggest hug possible.  Let’s remember that we were outside and it was hot.  It was a sweet sweaty hug.  The sweaty hug probably would have normally bothered me and I would probably consider not hugging at all, but I just couldn’t resist.  The moment demanded a good hug.  I was still pouring tears and smiling at the same time.  Good times.
If I could have anything to eat I would like a cookie.  My song of the day is “Set Apart this Dream” by Flyleaf.  This is Todd’s song for me because it says “you’re a princess now, you own this world.  Twirling in your twirly dress.  You’re the loveliest, far above the rest.”
Night y’all!

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