Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rainy Monday

What a yucky day....Ellis has been more active today and looked all around all afternoon. He obviously doesn't care that its raining outside.

The doctors discovered that Ellis has a PDA (which the way I understand it, is a vein/valve that is used when they are in the womb that circumvents their lungs to get blood flow back to the heart). After birth the PDA closes and isn't used again. Since Ellis was born at 28 weeks his PDA is still open. It isn't bothering him but it is something that needs to be closed. He has been on medication for the past 2 days (one dose every 12 hours) for the past 2 days to help close the PDA. He will have an echo again tomorrow morning and see the cardiologist to see if the PDA has closed.

Ellis is doing great. He is now on a 2 on his high flow nasal cannula (like his cpap but less). He is breathing well and stays on room air pretty much all day.

Ellis now weighs 2lbs 13oz, so he is back to his birth weight! They have pulled back on his feedings some while he is getting the PDA medicine because it is harder on his tummy. Once he's off the meds he will go back to his regular feedings and start bulking up again.

I'm doing well. Healing as quickly as I can. Going to see a tiny little boy each day gives me incentive to get back in the swing of things quickly.

Ellis and I have enjoyed reading "Harry Potter" and are just waiting to see daddy later this afternoon.
Please pray for the PDA medicine to do its job quickly so Ellis can get back to his regular feedings.


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