Monday, October 1, 2012

One Week Birthday!

Posted Sep 28, 2012 5:03pm
Ellis is one week old today! In some ways it seems like a really short time but in others it seems like I've had him forever.

He's doing really well.

Ellis has tolerated his feedings well and hasn't had to miss any feedings lately. He has gained weight and now weighs 2lbs 9 1/2 oz. By the rate of his feedings he should start bulking up quickly. When I spoke with the PA this morning she said he was doing well with his decrease on his cpap (move from the bubble cpap to the lower pressure one) that she is going to start weening him off the cpap entirely. He is still breathing room air and hasn't had any problems.

The nurse did mention that his urine has been a little low and his blood pressure was low when he took it at first. When he retook his blood pressure it was back to normal, so they are just going to watch his urine output, but right now it isn't anything to worry about.

I started reading "Harry Potter" to Ellis. Yes, you read that right - "Harry Potter". All of his baby books went by so fast. He needed something that would take some time and be an interesting read. So far he seems to like it.

Today while I was reading to him I noticed a little spit up. The nurse said that was normal with his increase in feedings and cleaned his mouth and left a wipe for him to drool onto. I continued reading. As I read I noticed Ellis was becoming more and more fussy. I tried to calm him down because he was showing the stress signs I had been taught. He was having a meltdown! Oh no! This was my first real mommy test! Yikes! I tried to fold his little arms into a fetal position to calm him like I had been taught but he wasn't having any of it. It was coming. I could feel it. The dreaded baby cry which will cause me to cry with my overactive hormones! Failure! I would be labeled a failure as a mother after just one week on the job. I had to think fast...."he's on his back!" "how did he get onto his back?" "I bet that's what he doesn't like". I quickly found his nurse and had him turned on his side. Disaster avoided and my status as a good mommy was still intact for another day.

Ellis is sleeping now and I'm just chilling in the glider.

Happy one week birthday Ellis!!!

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