Monday, October 1, 2012

Quick Update

Ellis is still doing great. He is starting to gain weight faster. He is now at 2lbs 12oz - almost back to his original birth weight. My dream of having a rolly baby with cubby cheeks is in sight!

They decreased his cpap from a 4 to a 3 and he is still rockin' it out. His breathing is holding steady.

He is now eating 10ml of milk. Hard to believe he was only eating 2 ml at the beginning of the week. He should go up on his feedings 2.5ml each night as long as he's doing well. His goal is 22ml.

He's sleeping well and loves being on his side. Now, I'm off to sleep myself!

1 comment:

  1. Shea,
    We (ok, mainly just me) are blog stalkers, and get updates from your mom often too. Congratulations on the birth of Ellis! We are praying often for y'all.
    -Wesley and Rebecca Taff

    PS-I love that you are reading Harry Potter to Ellis! : )
