Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quick Update on Ellis and me!

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I wasn't able to update the last couple days. The website and my iPad at Northside were not getting along.

Ellis is doing great! The cardiologist took him off his medicine for his PDA because he thought it showed enough improvement. His PDA is still not fully closed but the doctor believes it will close the remainder on its own and doesn't want to subject him to more medicine that's hard on his little tummy.

Ellis is now back on normal feedings and is all the way up to 18ml (his goal is 22ml). The nurse practitioner told me this morning that if he is able to go up on his feedings tonight they will be able to stop his IV.
He is also now off the high flow nasal cannula and on a low flow cannula. He's doing good but is needing a little more oxygen with the low flow. The nurse said she is ok with that and will let him continue to progress and develop today.

Todd and I were able to give Ellis a bath Tuesday night. That was hilarious because he was squirming all around and the nurses manhandle these little things. They really are very resiliant.

I am scheduled for my PET scan this Friday and will then have my port placement next Wednesday. As of today I am off my motrin (which I've been using for pain management) because it is a blood thinner and I have to be off blood thinners for a week before the port placement. So, now I'm flying solo on good ol' Tylenol.

Please pray for Ellis's breathing to continue to improve, his PDA to close completely, and for him to continue gaining weight. Also pray that my PET scan shows the doctors what they need to see to treat me properly and that I won't be too stiff after my port placement to not be able to hold Ellis for too long.


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