Thursday, January 17, 2013

A View from the Valley

Not going to lie, I cried a few times this past week.  You might think “Why on earth were you crying?  Chemo is over!”  True, I have a lot to be hopeful about; but, I think that is it – hopeful.  I don’t want to be hopeful, I want to be certain.  But….it’s more than that too. 

Last week I had my last chemo treatment.  Apparently the drugs knew that this might be the last time they would get a hold of me so they stepped up their game and kicked my butt!  If that is truly the last time I have chemo then I don’t mind, but if I have to keep having chemo I am scared of what further treatment might do to my stamina. 

I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to have a tough time and potentially cry it happens at night.  I go to bed early because I simply don’t have the strength to stay awake, take care of Ellis, or talk to even my family.  That, in itself is hard.  Fortunately I don’t feel too bad about Ellis because Todd takes great care of him and both of our families and friends help out a lot.  So there I am lying in bed, feeling tired and slightly sick and I start to think.  Thinking is what gets me in trouble.  I think about how I feel and wonder what it might be like if I have to keep having chemo.  Then I think about the other alternative – surgery.  It’s a catch 22 – chemo or surgery.  Yes, surgery is the happier alternative because it means that the chemo has worked, but think about it for a minute.  Surgery isn’t fun either.  The effects of surgery do wear off and the cancer would be out of my body, but it also takes a lot out of a person.  That is the point that wares me down.  I don’t want to have chemo but I don’t want to have surgery (possibly multiple) either!  All of it scares me.  At the end of the day, at my lowest point, I’m a scared little girl. 

Why can’t things be easy?  That is the question I ask myself and yell to God from time to time.  I’m tired.  I’m tired of being tired.  I’m tired of having a hard road ahead of me.  I’m tired of having to be strong because it’s always there in the back of my mind – what if it returns again?  It did already.  What if this is just my life now? 

That honestly is where I go.  That is my low point, and I don’t feel bad about it.  To be honest I think I deserve to wallow in self pity just a little. We all do from time to time.

I think about Todd, about Ellis, about my friends and family and that gives me some strength to keep going.  But, do you know what really pulls me out of my funk?  Anger.  Anger that I  would let the cancer win, take over my life, and crush my joy.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.  That is when I say to myself “surrender is not a option”.  Cancer may come after me; let’s just put it out there, cancer may defeat me but one thing I will never do is surrender.

That is one thing that cancer has given me – an overwhelming desire to fight.  I think cancer does that for a lot of people.  It shows us how strong we are, how strong we can be. 

So now I wait.  I have to wait to learn if I can have surgery or if I need more chemo.  Waiting sucks, but if I have to wait that’s what I’ll do. 

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Dang Shea just when I was feeling sorry for myself....I read this. Not that I am feeling sorry for you. Like you said you just finished that last chemo (hiphiphooray)...ok enough about you. I wanted to tell someone about me. That's right I have been sick...nothing major just a bad sinus infection. Just last month I was bragging that I had made it all the way through 2012 without even a slight cold. I was feeling pretty cocky for an old girl in her 50s. That's when it hit the sinus infection from hell. After being married 30 plus years me and Kevin had the exact same sinus infection at the exact same time. There was no one to give me comfort or hand me a bowl of soup we were just too sick to help each other. We were a pitiful mess. Did I mention the thick green mucus? I know you can handle the graphic detail because you have been through chemo and have had a baby. You have seen it all my friend. That being said I have been a nurse for 30 plus years and had never seen the likes of this green in detail let me just say it was the prettiest NEON green I had ever seen. Kevin and I are 100% better now and I will be back saving the world next week at the hospital. I just thought since you were talking about your valley I would describe the dark hole I just crawled out of. We love you girl. Feel better soon...and speaking of Ellis, you may have heard that I have a beautiful little grandbaby girl (thanks to Taylor and his wife Katie) her name is Rylan Alexa and she was born on 1-1-13. Now that Ellis has his own blog we could do some match making. :)
