Friday, September 23, 2011

Preparing for a Race is No Easy Task

9/22/11 – I am committed to getting back into my blogging.  It’s a little hard now that I’m back at work because by the time I get off work, go to the gym and get home I’m tired.  I just want to eat dinner and relax.  I think I’m gonna knock a few blogs out to make up for all the events that have gone on since my last post. 

Since my last post we had the first ever Phenix City Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk – Diva Dash.  It was a busy and fun filled weekend. 

I headed down to Phenix City Friday morning the 16th.  I was supposed to drop Buster and Percy off at the cabin.  I called mom to see where she was and learned she was just leaving the cabin.  She said she would leave the door unlocked with the alarm on and sent me the code.  I arrived at the cabin to find it locked – great….  In the course of jiggling the doors to see if they were open I managed to set off the house alarm.  (This is apparently the story of my life because I have done this once before at Mark and Erin’s house.)  So, there I was - having just driven over 2 hours, tired, hungry, dogs running all around, and the house siren is blaring at full blast.  I just knew one of the neighbors was going to come over carrying a shotgun and catch me trying to break in.  Not the way I wanted to start my weekend.  I called mom and asked what happened to leaving the door unlocked.  In her rush to leave the house she forgot and just locked the house like usual.  Luckily the alarm timed out and I was able to leave the house in somewhat the same fashion that I found it. 

As I headed into town I noticed a wreck up ahead.  There were police and fire trucks blocking both lanes of the road – great.  I turned around and used my only other option, a much longer road that led me to the highway.  I whipped and wound around the back road wondering how much longer this was going to take me than if the road hadn’t been blocked.  By that time I was flustered and completely over driving. 

I finally made it into town and met mom, Erin, and Mark at the lake where the race was going to take place.  We talked for a minute and then rushed off to Smokey Pig.  I am notoriously picky when it comes to my barbeque.  I even commented once that if there wasn’t barbeque in heaven I didn’t want to go.  My one and only top barbeque place is in Phenix City and another in Columbus – Smokey Pig all the way!  It’s my favorite.  If you’re asked “chipped, chopped or sliced?” you’re eating real barbeque.  If you’re asked anything else, I’m not sure what to tell you – “I’m sorry”, maybe?  We ate quickly and then headed to Granny’s house. 

Mom and I were going to be on the Dee Armstrong Show.  I had never done a TV interview before and I was nervous.  I wanted to look good, stay on topic, and not say “um….” 50 gazillion times.  Erin was our manager and stylist.  She made sure mom and I knew what to say and looked presentable.  The interview was about what all I had gone through and the race the following day.  I thought the interview went well, but decided that I look ridiculous on television.  My eyes were way out of control.  Here is the link for the show if you would like to check it out.  In case the link doesn’t take you directly to it, it is the episode from September 16th and mom and I are talking in the 3rd segment of the show.

After the show was over we still had tons to do.  We headed over to Staples to pick up a cash box, manilla folders, and packing tape.  We stopped off at Chill and got some frozen yogurt before going to Party City and trying to jam 50 balloons into my car.  Let’s just say, 50 balloons do NOT fit into my car.  By the time we finished our running around we were all wiped out.  Mr. Berle and Mrs. Janet had gotten into town so we all headed up to the cabin to rest a little and then sort out race day shirts. 

That was basically my Friday.  Busy but good.  Stay tuned for the next blog about all the race day fun.

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