Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blahh...I think I'm boring

5/18/11 – Just another day.
That’s what today has been – just another day – nothing special.  Nothing interesting to report.  Nothing horrible happened.  Just tired.  That’s basically how I spent my day – lying around, fighting off the nausea, relaxing and sleeping. 
Wednesday is starting to feel a little like Thursday.  Slowly getting harder. 
This may be TMI but Wednesdays of chemo have become my bubble bath day.  I can’t shower because my port is accessed to the pump.  I feel like a 5 year old.  On Wednesdays I relax and have my Mr. Bubble.  How often do 28 year olds buy Mr. Bubble?  It makes me remember my childhood.  When I was little I would always have Mr. Bubble or some other kind of bubble bath.  I just think it’s funny that 20 years down the road I have reverted back to the same comforts.  Now if only I had my Bert and Ernie toys to play with in the tub.  Unfortunately Ernie suffered a devastating injury while trying to escape through the drain.  I’ll just have to settle for a face mask and reading my book.
I caught up with one of my “small world” contacts today who lives in Gainesville and is a neighbor to my oncologist.  I love chatting with people that you haven’t spoken with in a while.  It was nice to catch up and let her know how I was doing. 
I also decided to try my hand at poetry today.  I realize that being an accountant it is probably harder to tap into a more easy going flow for poetry but I think that I have a lot going on and should have things to pull from that would be good material.  I still have a lot to work on.  I want the true feeling to come through and my lines do not rhyme but I’m ok with that.  Maybe when I have a really good one I’ll share.
I know this blog is boring and it breaks my heart.  I like to have interesting things to share about, but I’m too wiped out to come up with interesting topics.  Sorry guys.
One of my coworkers is taking me to chemo tomorrow.  I am so glad that she is taking time out of her day to do this for me.  I do wonder how I will feel.  I don’t like to share how bad I feel with people.  That is personal for me.  There are only certain people who truly know how hard this is.  I share more with you on my blog because I feel more disconnected to it.  I will say more to you in my blog than I would say to someone to his/her face.  That’s just how I am.  For some reason I feel safe through my blog, not as exposed to questions back that might make me feel vulnerable.  I control what I write.  So now my coworker is going with me.  She’s never seen be upset really or unhappy.  I’m usually peppy, sing song Shea.  This is a big deal for me.  I’m glad she is going with me.  I feel that if I may have a bad experience I would feel comfortable sharing that with her.
I’m going to wrap this up.  I feel ok right now.  A little nauseous and a lot tired.  If I could have anything to eat I would like something cold – ice cream, smoothie, sorbet,…  My song of the day is “Take it Easy” by the Eagles.
Night y’all!

1 comment:

  1. Don't ever feel bad about having a "boring blog"..even your boring comments (not really boring) are interesting. I like the Bubble Bath regression. It is a nice touch. One thing you didn't report on was the title of the book you are reading. I would like to know. I attended a conference this week and we were encouraged to read inspirational books, quotes, etc. so I want to know what my Diva friend is reading. Have you read alot since you have been going though this adventure?
