Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sore throat, doctors, food, and over priced houses

4/26/11 – “My throat hurts.”  I think I’ve said that at least 27 times to Todd over the past 5 hours.  I’m not sure what is going on but I have the weirdest sore throat.  Generally sore throats start with my tonsils, but this one is like somewhere down in my throat hurts.  I know this may be TMI, but I’m supposed to share how I’m feeling with you guys, right?  I don’t know if this is a chemo thing or not.  I think I’ll text my doctor tomorrow morning just to make sure.  As of now I’m guzzling my gross magic mouthwash that I’m allowed to swallow.  It’s disgusting.
Speaking of doctors I get to see my normal primary care doctor tomorrow.  I think this is funny that with all the doctors I’ve seen in the past 6 months I even need to go to a primary care doctor.  You would think the others would have everything all taken care of.  I would like a one stop shop doctor please.  There are just too many to keep track of.  Don’t worry, nothing is going on with me, other than a slight case of cancer I’m fine (joking).  I’ve had high blood pressure since I was 16 – I guess I’m just strung too tight?  My blood pressure medication ran out of refills so I have to go in to get a new prescription.  Sunday I refilled my prescription and when I looked at the bottle I saw “NO more refills”.  I actually said “Great, another doctor I get to go see, just what I need.”  
In a funny sort of way I’m looking forward to going to the doctor tomorrow.  When I was in the hospital my primary care doctor called Todd to see how I was doing and say she was sorry she hadn’t caught this herself (I had been in to see her when all my stomach problems first started – remember?  I thought I was lactose intolerant).  She had heard from my GI doctor all that had happened and wanted to make sure we weren’t upset and that I was ok.  I wasn’t upset, I was just glad that I finally found someone who would “fix” me.  I thought it was nice that she called.
I have such a different relationship with my doctors now days.  I text one of my oncologists and I call my other doctors on a regular basis if something goes wrong.  The office staff at my surgeon’s office treat me like they’ve known me for years and we are all good friends.  Such a difference from what my relationships were pre-everything.
Today was my cheat day and it was heavenly.  I ate all the bad things that I could get my hands on – cinnamon rolls, chocolate milk, pizza, chocolate, tacos, fried green tomatoes, cupcakes, caramels….  It was great!  I felt bad eating it though.  Is a cheat day supposed to include guilt?  Aren’t cheat days supposed to be guilt free?  I seriously have a furrowed brow thinking about this.  I thought it was supposed to be more carefree.  Oh well, it’s back on the wagon tomorrow – back to my celery and peanut butter splurging. 
Tonight Todd and I used a Groupon that I bought and had a date night at Noche in Virginia Highlands.  We circled the block 3 times before we finally found the restaurant.  Tonight was a night of wrong turns.  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed a yummy dinner.  It was nice to sit, relax, drink a sangria or two, and just talk.  I’ve decided that weeknight date nights are the way to go.  It is easier to get into restaurants, you always need a way to relax through the week, and it frees up time during your weekend.  Win, win, win.  Done.  After dinner we continued with our wrong turns and wound our way to Cami Cupcakes in Buckhead.  We picked out several cupcakes that sounded yummy and packed them off for home.  A few wrong turns later we made it back on to Peachtree St. and headed home.  The wrong turns were a theme of the night and were kind of funny.
When Todd and I were leaving Noche we noticed a house across the street that was for sale.  We both saw it and said “I would love to live down here”.  Since we were out having a little fun we decided to call the number on the sign.  It sent Todd into a prompter to list the size and cost of the house.  I said that the house was probably in the $300,000 range because it was in a great part of town but it looked like it needed some work.  Todd thought the cost would be less – I guess he was thinking about the down market.  The prompter sent us both into shock.  The house had just been reduced significantly and now only cost $600,000.  Holy cow!  We both started laughing – if only.  But the story continues…  As we were navigating our way back to Peachtree Street Todd received a call on his cell.  He answered and it was the real estate agent.  He asked about our interest and said he hoped the prompter reflected the new lower price because the owners had reduced it significantly from $750,000.  Todd thanked the guy and said that really we were just looking casually.  We have now learned a lesson.  Do not under estimate a good location and do not ever call the number on the sign unless you are ready to be disappointed. 
On that note, I’m going to drink some more gross mouthwash and call it a night.  If I could have anything to eat I would like some fruit – I’ve eaten too much raw sugar.  I can’t handle anymore.  My song of the day is “Born this Way” by Lady Gaga.  I’ve heard this song all day – on the radio and on Glee.  I love how it says “I'm beautiful in my way, because God makes no mistakes”.
Night y’all!

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