Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh, Mr. Sandman...

12/29/10 – Hello All… I don’t know if you will notice this or not but I am writing at a slightly different time than usual.  Even when I am perfectly healthy I have zero desire to see 5:00 in the morning.  I believe certain times of day are superior to others and 5:00 ranks pretty low on my scale.  I’m fond of 9:45.
So, why am I up so early this morning? Why have I been up for the past hour and a half? Is there some great conundrum of the universe that has been weighing on my mind? Some problem that I can’t seem to stop thinking about? Nope.  The head cold that I have been running from since the first of September has finally caught up with me.  Perfect timing!  Not. No one ever has time to have a sore throat, snuffy nose, and a horrible headache.  I’ve never lost sleep over a head cold, but I think this one is just bound and determined to break me. 
At 4:00 I was tossing and turning – maybe that should be my song for this hour of the morning?  At 4:30 I realized sleep just wasn’t a possibility.  I started praying.  What better time to pray than when you’re tired but can’t sleep, right?  Obviously God had me awake for a reason.  Have you ever prayed and then lost track half way through?  Sounds really wrong, right?  Well, that’s what happened to me.  I’m not sure what I thought of instead praying.  I just know I talked with God a little and then I kind of drifted off in thought.  I decided to get up, go to the bathroom, and check facebook.  You may not believe this but many people don’t post to facebook between the hours of 12:00 and 5:00 – I was counting on someone to be awake to offer me some diversion and reading material.  At 4:45 I took some Tylenol to try to help the headache and throat pain – I feel like I could shoot fire out of my mouth!  At 5:00 I was lying in bed again wondering how quickly the Tylenol should kick in and noticed I was mentally writing my blog.  No better time than the present, right?  So here I am at 5:25 writing my blog.  Dedication, I know.
One thing I realized when I got up is that Stella (my cat) is on the prowl during the nighttime hours.  I have never been too afraid of the dark in my own house and will just walk around without turning lights on.  (What’s the point?  They hurt your eyes and then turning them off is just another thing for you to do before going back to bed.) Picture it.  I’m sitting at my laptop on the dining room table.  No lights on.  Suddenly I see eyes to my right. Jingle, jingle (she has a bell on).  Eyes by my feet. Jingle. (Did I mention she’s a solid black cat so all I can see is her eyes?) Eyes reflecting back at me over my computer!  Jingle, jingle, jingle.  Where will she be next?  She’s like a mini ninja with claws and sharp teeth!  I feel like I’m being hunted in my own house!  If we ever had an intruder I believe Stella would put up a much better fight than Buster (our boxer).  She scares me to death!  So far I have survived unscathed.  Hopefully I can last a bit longer.
Well, I cannot honestly say that writing has relaxed me, but at least it gave me something to do and hopefully provided you some entertainment through my personal frustration.  I guess I’m going to lie in bed again and contemplate the universe.  Maybe I’ll be able to pray properly this time and not get side tracked.  One thing is for certain.  I am taking a nap sometime today!

1 comment:

  1. I have prayed many a times and lost track....I have to say the funniest prayer I ever took part in....let me back up...
    I was in the 4th grade, or so, and in sunday school we were learning and studying the Lord's Prayer. We were taught to say a phrase and then pause and think about the phrase...really think about it.
    So I was over at my friend's house with a few other friends and we decided to pray before we fell asleep. So what better time to put the Lord's Prayer with pause and thought to practice=) All I have to say is that we never made it through to the end of the prayer....because we all fell asleep! LOL!!
