Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pepper spray anyone?

1/20/11 – Happy Sunday everyone!  Today has been a pretty good day.  I went to church and then met some friends for lunch.  We ate at one of my favorite places – Five Guys!  I haven’t had a cheeseburger since my first chemo week when that was all I could eat.  I’m a little worried that eating so many cheeseburgers during chemo will make me not like them once everything is over.  That would be sad.
Yesterday after posting my blog I took a look at the ads on the page.  As soon as I scrolled down I started laughing.  All my ads were for cold sore medicines, new herpes treatments, and house cleaning!  I did not realize my story would be so marketable.  Gold star Google and thanks for the laugh!
I have a few random thoughts that I would like to talk about.  My sister pointed out that on my “Happy Heart Day” blog I used the term “de-thaw”.  So what?  What’s wrong with that?  After I thought about it I realized that I was basically saying I froze something instead of what I really did – thaw something.  This might not sound like that big of a deal to you, but it really bothered me.  I hate it when people say “irregardless” – irregardless is not a word – even as I’m typing, Word is putting the red squiggly under the word.  It seriously bothers me when people say “irregardless”, so much so that I have taken it to the next level.  If you’re going to say irregardless why not say irregardlessly?!  Hunh?  Might as well.  So, you can see why me using a similar term bothered me so much.  I hereby promise that I, Shea Bamberg, will never use the non-word “de-thaw” again.  Deal!
My next random fact happened on my way home from Five Guys.  I stopped to fill my car with gas.  I pulled in to Kroger like a dreamer.  Getting gas at Kroger on a Sunday is like winning the lottery.  Why does everyone decide to fill their cars up on that day?  Why am I now one of these people?  I tend to get angry waiting for a free pump so I thought it best to go to Chevron instead.  Side note:  During the whole gas shortage I actually yelled at a lady who stole my gas pump.  She moved but it wasn’t one of my finer moments.  I got to Chevron and there were zero cars.  Zero!  Yeah, because everyone was at Kroger.  I filled up my car and was about to leave.  I glanced up at the store front and noticed a neon yellow sign that read “Pepper Spray Sold Here”.  Hunh (shoulder shrug).  Pepper spray.  I had never really thought about where to buy pepper spray before.  I didn’t know that people went to gas stations to buy such things.  If anyone needs pepper spray it is sold at the Chevron on Peachtree Industrial.  I think pepper spray is a little too tame for me.  I may need a taser or something instead.  Can you imagine me with a taser?!  Scary.
Tonight I had some good girl time, tacos, and cupcakes – sure the combo sounds a little weird but I basically eat like a pregnant lady, nausea included.  If I could have anything to eat I would like cake batter ice cream in a waffle cone.  That just sounds good for some reason.  My song of the day is Lori Morgan “Except for Monday” – takin’ it old school.  “But it’s Sunday now and you can bet that I’m alright.”
Night y’all.


  1. Ooo... one word that bothers me lately that people misuse is LITERALLY. LITERALLY is the new FIGURATIVELY. Yuck. Bothers me every time! I totally understand the feeling.

  2. How about that....Lori Morgan! Love you D!

  3. Sarah - The way some people pronounce literally bugs me too. Have you ever heard it pronounce "lit-tra-ly"? I cringe every time!
